Rumschmarrn is a podcast where me and a colleague set out and talked with locals about pressing topics.
Austria can be a backwards country in a lot of issues. Rumschmarrn tried to present that by asking ordinary people how they feel about certain issues. We offer an unique way of consuming the podcast: On your first visit, you'll be asked to fill out a political compass test. This enables us to annotate our episodes with comments of people who think differently. Users can either stay in their comfort zone and read annotations made by a like-minded individual or engage in healthy discussion by reading up on contrasting opinions.
"Rumschmarrn" is a German verb that was coined by us to describe what we're doing with this podcast. The verb means something along the lines of talking bullshit. It comes from the german preposition "herum" which means around and the popular Austrian dish "Kaiserschmarrn". "Kaiserschmarrn" could be literally translated as "Emperor's Rubbish".